Jane helped me to break down decisions surrounding the baby’s and my own health when they were feeling too much to deal with. She helped me stay informed throughout by sending information or links to research so I could make my own informed decisions.
She was on call during a very long 3-day pre-labour, sadly the hospital was unable to let her into the hospital due to covid, knowing she was only a phone call away helped me feel more secure. Jane was briefly allowed in before my c-section which helped me stay strong in being vocal about what I wanted for my birth, and I ended up with a really positive gentle caesarean birth.
Jane was incredible postnatally and went way above what I was expecting, she bought delicious food, hung, and folded washing, calmed a very colicky baby, and listened to my worries. I really feel my quick recovery was due to the mental and physical support I received during the few weeks after birth......also the amazing handmade chocolates.